Last updated: Oct. 12, 2000
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Note: Please do not send me reference questions;
I simply do not have the time to search on the web or in printed sources
for all the texts, synopses, etc., that I have been asked about over the
years. (I do appreciate notices with new and corrected information, however!)
Instead, please check the appropriate bibliographic
webpage here for some information, look at resources and reference
books in your local library, and check online library catalogs. And for
printed libretti themselves, don't overlook booklets that come with recordings,
old and new, even though they vary greatly in quality. As for opera trivia
questions (e.g. "What opera has X as a plot element"?), please ask on the
newsgroup, join the
listserv Opera-L (start with its archives
page), or use the feedback
form at OperaGlass.
(In addition, please do not ask about when a libretto that is "in process"
will be posted. That is up to the contributor
who is voluntarily inputting it. I update the libretto site when
new libretti or URLs are sent to me, or when I'm notified of changes. Likewise,
if a text is not stored at this site, you must contact the person who holds
it if there are any problems.)
Online Sources of Opera Libretti
Lists of libretti available on the internet:
Alphabetically by composer
Alphabetically by title
Other configurations
Sites with libretti associated with specific composers or groups
The Aria Database (includes
some translations)
Operatic words and music together:
Printed scores
Sound with words
Related pages at this site:
Online Texts for Secular Song and Sacred Vocal Music
Secular Song:
Oratorio, Cantata, etc.:
Joachim Vogelsänger's Textliste
German & Latin sacred texts)
Jewish song:
Protestant Hymnody:
Other Online Resources Related to Vocal Music Texts
Opera Synopses:
Other Texts (Fifi's
list of electronic text sites)
This page and all subsequent local pages copyright (c) 1995-2000
by Lyle K. Neff