Last Updated: Mar. 31, 2000

Annotated Bibliography of Printed Sources for Libretti and Other Texts

Including unpublished, copyrighted editions and translations

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 Please do not send routine reference questions to the above address (questions like "Where can I find the libretto of this opera?"). Instead, browse this page (which is just a selection), see the bibliography under "Libretto" in The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, check reference sources at your local library, and look at online library catalogs. And don't overlook booklets that come with recordings, old and new!

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Key: Types of information listed here given in brackets usually at end of entry if not clear from bibliographic information.
Mixed Collections Libretti according to composer

 Bach, Johann Sebastian

Brahms, Johannes Cui, Cesar Debussy Bob Fink Glinka, Mikhail Handel, G.F. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Puccini, Giacomo Rachmaninoff Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Schubert, Franz Schumann Strauss, Richard Sullivan, Sir Arthur Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Verdi

Addresses for unpublished items

Author: Lyle Neff,