Cesar Cui
an abbreviated list of his musical compositions for 1-2 solo voices
compiled by Lyle Neff
Copyright (c) 1995 by Lyle Neff
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for explanation of Russian transliteration used in this list.
For reference questions about more specific details of each work, e-mail
the compiler. The complete
worklist (not posted here) indexes all variants of titles and individual
numbers found in reference sources and on published editions themselves.
op. 1...
op. 3
Tri Romansa [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
= Three Songs
Comp: 1856-1857
op. 5
Shest' Romansov [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
= Six Songs
Comp: 1857-1861
No. 1:
op. 7
Shest' Romansov [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
= Six Songs
Comp: 1867-1869
op. 9
Shest' Romansov [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
= Six Songs
Comp: 1870-1871; 1870-1874 according to GosP
op. 10
Shest' Romansov [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
= Six Songs
Comp: 1870-1876
op. 11
Shest' Romansov
= Six Songs
Comp: 1877
op. 13
Shest' Romansov
= Six Songs
Comp: 1878
op. 15
Trinadcat' Muzykal'nykh kartinok dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Thirteen Musical pictures
Comp: 1877-1878
op. 16
Shest' Romansov
= Six Songs
Comp: 1879
op. 17
Bolero dlja vysokogo ili nizkogo golosa s fortepiano ili simfonicheskim
Comp: 1881
op. 19
Sem' Romansov i du`etov
= Seven Songs and duets
Comp: 1881
op. 23
Six Melodies
Comp: 1884
op. 25...
op. 27
Shest' Romansov dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Six Songs
Comp: 1884
op. 32
Sept Melodies
Comp: 1886
op. 33
Sem' Stikhotvorenii A. Pushkina i M. Lermontova dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Seven Poems by Pushkin and Lermontov
Comp: 1885-1886; 1886 in GosP
op. 34
Ave Maria : carmen feminis exsequendum tum choro, tum singillatim
canentibus [cum] harmonium [aut] piano
Comp: 1886
op. 37
Drei Lieder fuer eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte
Comp: 1886
op. 42
Les Deux menetriers
Comp: 1890
op. 44
Vingt Poemes de Jean Richepin
Comp: 1890
op. 47
Chetyre Romansa
= Four Songs
Comp: 1872
op. 48
Cztery Sonety
Comp: 1892
op. 49
Sem' Romansov s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano
= Seven Songs
Comp: 1889-1892; 1890-1893 in GosP
op. 50...
op. 54
Cinq Melodies pour chant et piano
Comp: 1890 (ca.); 1895 per GosP
op. 55
Vosem' Romansov s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano
= Eight Songs
Comp: 1890 (ca.); various years per GosP
op. 57
Dvadcat' pjat' Stikhotvorenii Pushkina dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Twenty-five Poems by Pushkin
Comp: 1899
op. 62
Dvadcat' odno Stikhotvorenie N.A. Nekrasova dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Twenty-one Poems by Nekrasov
Comp: 1902
op. 66
Otzvuki vojny 1904-1905 gg. : desjat' romansov dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Echoes of war : Ten songs
Comp: 1904-1905 (1905 in GosP)
op. 67
Vosem'nadcat' Stikhotvorenii A.K. Tolstogo dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Eighteen Songs from A.K. Tolstoy
Comp: 1904
op. 71
Shest' Stikhotvorenii A. Mickevicha dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Six Songs from Mickiewicz
Comp: 1907 (compare publication date!)
op. 72
Neuf Melodies
Comp: 1906-1910 (ca.)
op. 73
Sem'nadcat' Detskikh pesen dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Seventeen Children's songs
Comp: 1907 (compare publishing date!)
op. 75...
Sem' Stikhotvorenii armjanskikh po`etov dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Seven Songs to Armenian texts
Comp: 1907 (1908 per NG)
op. 76
Shest' Stikhotvorenii Ja.P. Polonskogo
= Six Songs from Polonsky
Comp: 1908
op. 78
Eshche sem'nadcat' Detskikh pesen dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Seventeen More children's songs
Comp: 1909-1910
op. 86
Dvadcat' chetyre Stikhotvorenija dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Twenty-four Songs
Comp: 1913 (latest possible date)
op. 87
Muzykal'nye miniatjury, jumoreski, pis'ma dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Musical miniatures
Comp: 1913 (latest possible date)
op. 87, Tetr. I
op. 87, Tetr. II
op. 87, Tetr. III
op. 90
Pjat' Basen' I. Krylova dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Five Fables by Krylov
Comp: 1913
op. 97
Poslednie sem'nadcat' Detskikh pesen dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Seventeen [Last] children's songs
Comp: [1914?]-1915
op. 98
Trzech Budrysow : Ballada na jeden glos z towarzyszeniem orkiestry
Comp: 1915
op. 99
Shest' Pesen zapadnykh slavjan A.S. Pushkina tirees de la "Cuzla" de
Prosper Merime dlja golosa s simfonicheskim orkestrom
= Six Songs of the western Slavs for voice and orchestra
Comp: 1915
Works without Opus Number
W. 20
Ja pomnju vecher [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
= How clearly I recall the night
Comp: 1857
W. 21
Iz slez moikh mnogo, maljutka
= From my tears
Comp: 1858
W. 24
Septain [pour chant et piano]
Comp: 1885
W. 25
Chudnyj sad [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
Comp: 1885 (latest possible date)
W. 26
Les Oiseaux d'Argenteau : cantique pour deux voix d'enfant
Comp: 1887
W. 30
Les Adieux de Guyot-Dessaigne : Lamento [pour chant et piano]
Comp: 1889
W. 34
Szesc Piesni
Comp: 1902 (see GosP)
W. 37
Vesennjaja pesnja dlja golosa s fortepiano
Comp: 1905
W. 38
Trois Melodies pour voix et piano
Comp: 1906
W. 39
Zhelanie : du`et dlja dvukh soprano s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano
Comp: 1906
W. 40
Khrista radi : dlja golosa s fortepiano
Comp: 1908
W. 41
Pesni dlja detej
W. 43
Ochnuvshijsja orel : dlja golosa s fortepiano
W. 44
Politicheskomu po`etu : dlja penija s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano
W. 45
Bejte tevtona : romans dlja golosa s fortepiano
= Be a Teuton [sic]
Comp: 1914
W. 48
Baben' : pesnja [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
Comp: 1915
W. 49
Mnogaja vam leta [dlja golosa s fortepiano ili dlja khora]
Comp: 1915
W. 50
Ne cvetok-li : romans [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
Comp: 1915
W. 51
Spiski smerti : romans [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
Comp: 1915
W. 54
Gimn futurizmu [dlja golosa s fortepiano]
Comp: 1917
W. 56
La Bataille [pour chant et piano]
Copyright (c) 1995 by Lyle Neff