Last Updated: Nov. 1, 1997
Cesar Cui
an abbreviated list of his musical compositions for orchestra and band,
including works featuring solo instrument and transcriptions by him or
approved by him from other works
compiled by Lyle Neff
Note: Several of the operas contain separable orchestral numbers (overtures,
introductions, entr'actes, dances). See Prisoner of the Caucasus,
The Mandarin's Son, William Ratcliff, Angelo, Flibustier,
The Saracen, and The Snow Hero.
Copyright (c) 1995, 1997 by Lyle Neff
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for explanation of Russian transliteration used in this list.
For reference questions about more specific details of each work, e-mail
the compiler. The complete worklist
(not posted here) indexes all variants of titles and individual numbers
found in reference sources and on published editions themselves.
op. 1...
Pervoe skerco na temu B.A.B.E.G. i C.C. dlja simfonicheskogo orkestra
= First scherzo
Comp: 1857, initially for p/4-h
1857-1858; 1859, orchestrated
op. 2
Skerco (podrazhanie Shumanu) dlja simfonicheskogo orkestra
Comp: 1857, initially for p/4-h
Click here to hear first two measures played on piano (.wav file).
op. 12
Tarantelle pour l'orchestre
Comp: 1858; orchestrated 1859
op. 18
Marche solennelle pour orchestre
Comp: 1881
op. 20
Douze Miniatures pour piano (moyenne difficulte) [ou] pour violon et
Comp: 1882
op. 24
Deux Morceaux pour violon avec accompagnement d'orchestre ou de piano
Comp: 1884
op. 25
Suite concertante pour violon avec accompagnement d'orchestre ou de piano
Comp: 1884
op. 36
Deux Morceaux pour violoncelle avec accompagnement d'orchestre ou de
Comp: 1886
op. 39
Six Miniatures pour piano
Comp: 1886
op. 40 A Argenteau : Recueil de neuf pieces caracteristique, pour le
piano Comp: 1887 (5 of the pieces arr. for orchestra by A. Glazunov)
op. 43
In modo populari : Petite suite no 3 pour orchestra
Comp: 1890
op. 50...
op. 65
Valse pour orchestre
Comp: 1904
op. 75...
op. 82
Trois Scherzos pour orchestre
Comp: 1910
Works without Opus Number
W. 53
Slava : marsh dlja voennogo dukhovogo orkestra
Comp: 1916 (1915 in NeefR p145)
Copyright (c) 1995, 1997by Lyle Neff
Author: Lyle Neff,