
Dramatis Personæ

Otello, a Moor, general of the Venetian armada (Primo tenore)
Jago, an ensign (Primo baritono)
Cassio, a squadron commander (Tenore)
Roderigo, Venetian gentleman (Tenore)
Lodovico, ambassador of the Venetian Republic (Basso)
Montano, Otello's predecessor as governor of the island of Cyprus (Basso)
Un araldo [a herald] (Basso)
Desdemona, Otello's wife (Prima donna soprano)
Emilia, Jago's wife (Mezzo-soprano)
Soldati e Marinai della Repubblica Venetia; Gentildonne e Gentiluomini Veneziani; Popolani Cipriotti d'ambo i sessi; Uomini d'arme Greci, Dalmati, Albanesi; Fanciulli dell'isola; Un Taverniere; Quattro servi di taverna; Bassa ciurma
[Soldiers and sailors of the Venetian Republic; Venetian ladies and gentlemen; Cypriot citizens of both sexes; Greek, Dalmatian, and Albanian men-at-arms; Island children; An innkeeper; Four servants; Ship's gang]

Setting: A coastal town on the island of Cyprus
Time: End of the 15th century.


contributed by Stephen L. Parker and Richard Bogart

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22 May 2014