La Finta Semplice
Performance History
First performance: 1 May 1769, Court theater, Palace of the Archbishop, Salzburg
La finta semplice was originally composed for a production in Vienna
that never took place. The singers for whom the opera was written were:
- Fracasso : Sig. Laschi
- Simone : Domenico Poggi
- Don Cassandro : Francesco Coratoli
- Don Polidoro : Gioacchino Garibaldi
- Giacinta : Mme. Eberhardi
- Ninetta : Antonia Bernasconi
- Rosina : Clementina Baglione
Mozart gave a private performance at the clavier of the entire opera
ca. June 1768, at the home of Baron Gottfried van Swieten in Vienna.
It is not clear if any of the intended cast members took part in it.
First performance in:
- Germany: 2 Oct. 1921, Karlsruhe (as Die verstellte Einfalt)
- Denmark: 21 Apr. 1923, Copenhagen (as Rosinas Skaelmstykker)
- Czech Republic: Dec. 1928, Prague
First performance at:
- Covent Garden: 2 May 1907
Monday, 08-Dec-2003 21:35:55 PST